(Open Lesbian rp. Be the girl in the crop top. {Her name is Macy.} Your pov.) I hear nothing but Max's faint breathing, for years, this parking lot has been our hangout spot. She grabs ahold of my hand, I jump slightly but then relax once I looked down at my hand and saw her fingers interlock with mine. She then pulled my chin up, I look into her soft baby blue eyes and I suddenly became speechless. "Max... I think I'm in love with you..."

(Open Lesbian rp. Be the girl in the crop top. {Her name is Macy.} Your pov.) I hear nothing but Max's faint breathing, for years, this parking lot has been our hangout spot. She grabs ahold of my hand, I jump slightly but then relax once I looked down at my hand and saw her fingers interlock with mine. She then pulled my chin up, I look into her soft baby blue eyes and I suddenly became speechless. "Max... I think I'm in love with you..."